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Born in Nashville, grew up in Philly. Now I'm sort of all over the place.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

There Are No Cats in America

I'm prone to polemic and addicted to politics, so in creating a blog I wanted to avoid political commentary. There are other people out there for that, and they do it much better.

I present you this Glenn Beck video as spectacle, and spectacle alone. Whatever you think of this man's agenda, there can be no doubt that he is an amazing performer. Below the video I've pulled out some of the more stunning and vapid quotes.

"I'm not doing this to scare you, I'm doing this to break your mind apart."

"I don't know how the laws of economic physics break down at our shores. They don't!"

"It got to be so bad, that if you actually tried to leave the Empire of Rome, they would kill you."

I picked the quotes that we can laugh at together. I don't have time to pull out the quotes that are filled with deeply coded hate and fascistic political dog whistles.

Much has already been written about the blatant and classic antisemitism that Beck is utilizing in attacking George Soros. I'll just post this screenshot of The Jew talking to the Devil from the Beck segment.

Screen shot 2010-11-14 at 10.20.08 PM

I was Fievel for Halloween. I know that there are indeed "cats in America."

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